What's with me and windows lately? I had forgotten that my last post was a window, too! They're just such great metaphors, aren't they? One can look in and one can look out, separated by two seemingly different environments.
The heart shape on this wrought iron caught my eye as I drove down
MLK Blvd past boarded up, dilapidated homes - an area that looks even worse on cold, cloudy, wet days such as today. An article I read some time ago came to mind, which talked about the division of Little Rock by the I630: a white Little Rock north of the freeway, and a black Little Rock to the south.
Click here to read the article.
At first, I scoffed at such a comment, thinking surely that can't be true in this day & age. But it really hit home for me today. There is a lot of sadness around the Central High School district, on the south side of the freeway. I can only hope this heart is a reminder that love IS everywhere, no matter how small. And I hope, given the right conditions, it will grow.